Publish : Thursday 10 August 2017 By APINYA POOLTRUB จำนวนผู้เข้าชม 3028 คน
The student council of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna(RMUTL) arranged an event walking up DoiSuthep and pay respect to PhraKrubaSivichai in year 2016 together with Lanna style’s parade. The propose to worship KrubaSivichai the venerable person of Lannaon the auspicious occasion for all RMUTL student. Assoc. Prof. Dr. NumyootSongtanapitak president of RMUTL be a guest of honor to open the ceremony together along with administrators, lecturers and students attended around 4,000 people. In this event RMUTL has continuously organized in every year.
EIC student : PDR Trainee
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